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Send Spooky Parcels


Send Halloween spirits to your loved ones in the form of a care package from Parcel’s Care Packages shipped out on Monday, Oct. 22. A package will arrive filled with tricks and treats including homemade monster cookies, Get Crackin Pistachios, Kettle Corn, and Zico Coconut Water.

There will be something for everyone including a Spider Podium, a handy device for  phones and other uses, Koozie cups to keep beverages cold, festive socks, pen, glow stick, straw and sweets for a Happy Halloween. The package costs $50. Orders can be made online.      


Beauty Party


Join Dr. Juris Bunkis and Dr. Clay Forsberg of Orange County Plastic Surgery at a grand opening party on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at their new office on Birch Street in Newport Beach. Currently, Orange County Plastic Surgery has offices in Rancho Santa Margarita and San Clemente.

Orange County Plastic Surgery proudly offers a staff of highly trained professionals, world-class doctors, and a straight-forward approach with more than 30 experience in providing elegant and cutting-edge cosmetic procedures such as the first ThermiGen Radio Frequency Generator in Orange County that provides a variety of skin tightening and sculpting procedures.

The evening will feature a variety of speakers as well as appetizers, dinner and wine. Guests can tour the beautiful new facility, meet Dr. Bunkis and Dr. Forsberg, as well as have the chance to win a variety of free prizes such as Juvederm, Botox, personal training sessions, Latisse, and IPL Laser treatments. All guests will receive a complimentary pumpkin peel, valued at $125.

RSVP to Orange County Plastic Surgery is at 4501 Birch St. in Newport Beach. 949.888.9700.

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